Clean Interiors

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Did you know that Carpet Powder Deodorizers are VERY, VERY BAD FOR YOUR CARPET?

Did you know that Carpet Powder Deodorizers are VERY, VERY BAD FOR YOUR CARPET?


1. Most wall-to-wall carpet is made of plastic: What happens to your sunglasses when you rub sand on them? They scratch. Your carpets can do the same and look aged with the use of these powders.

2. But the most important reason to never use Carpet Powder Deodorizers is they attract dirty and nasty oils into your carpet. It may take MANY cleanings by a Professional Carpet Cleaner to remove all of the nasty residue left from the powder. If you don't get a well trained Carpet Cleaner they may make it worse! Make sure if you use these products to let your carpet cleaner know, as they will have to use a totally different process to clean your carpets. Untrained carpet cleaners will use chemicals that will act like padlocks on the powder that will only make them more sticky and trapped in your carpet!

If you want your carpet to smell nice ask Jen and Dan about how to deodorize in a way that is safe for your carpet.


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